“During this term in Drama and English, Year 8 pupils have been discovering more about World War One. In English we are reading ‘Private Peaceful’ by Michael Morpurgo. It tells the story of Tommo, a soldier in the trenches and his brother Charlie. In Drama lessons we have been creating a piece based in the war. We are planning to perform this for the Junior School to celebrate the Centenary of World War One.
The performance will include characters based on real people. We were told to write a script on an important person from the war, for example Harry Patch who is played by Bryan. I am playing the part of Mairi, a nurse on the frontline. Mairi was a wealthy Scottish eighteen year old who devoted her life to being a nurse.
We have included monologues (just one person speaking on stage by themselves) and group drama into the performance. We hope it will help Year 5 and 6 students understand more about the war and what happened.
Miss Rowland says “I have been very impressed with the maturity of the pupils. Many of them have family links to the military and you can see they want to do the characters justice. They are creating an excellent piece of drama, which will help their peers understand the war. I can’t wait to see the finished performance.””
By Jenna Coleman, Year 8.