Invitations to Fyling Hall’s Year 7 Transition Afternoon are out. Arranged by our Year 7 Tutor, Mrs Jeeves, the afternoon will take place on Friday, 4th September. Read more about Mrs Jeeves’ plan . . .
I am thrilled to be able to invite you to a Year 7 Transition Afternoon on 4th September. This will be an opportunity for pupils to meet their new class mates, to explore the school grounds and to ask any questions they may have about school life. We have also prepared a series of events for yourselves as parents/guardians in order to allow you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and for us to meet informally before the term begins.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions the events will take place outside where ever possible and all pupil activities will be completed adhering to social distancing guidelines. If you wish to wear a mask during the event, please feel free.
The planned activities are as follows:
- 2pm – Pupils and parents arrive to school. Pupil to tour school with Mrs Jeeves. Parents to tour school with Mr Instone, Head of Enrichment
- 2.30pm – Parents to the top terrace to meet Mr Allen, Headmaster, for welcome. Drinks and refreshments available. Mr Instone to lead a chat show interview with former year 7 pupils. Pupils to take part in get to know you ‘ice-breaker‘ activities with Mrs Jeeves
- 3-3.15pm – Pupils to return to top terrace, a chance for an informal chat with Mrs Jeeves or to ask any questions.
- 3.30pm – End of event
In order to plan for social distancing restrictions, please confirm if your child will attend the event and who will accompany them by 4pm on the 21st August.