drama3[1]After the success of the Drama department’s first show back evening last month, Year 7 and Year 8 pupils had a chance to show off what they have been doing in lessons yesterday. Both classes performed short pieces of drama for Mrs Richardson’s class Form 3; with Year 7 basing their play on ‘The Mobile Phone Show’ by Jim Cartwright and Year 8 devising their own performance, based on World War One.

For Year 7, this was the first chance that they have had to perform for a live audience in school, and although they were very nervous before the performance, they entertained their audience well. Form 3 loved that they were able to help out Rory when he lost his phone and Year 8 were very impressed too. Owen Robson in Year 8 said ” Year 7 did an amazing performance.” Carolina Clements agreed saying “I really liked the way they were staged and they all helped each other in the performance”

drama2[1]Then it was time for Year 8 to perform their piece based on World War One. The class have researched what the war was like for civilians, nurses and soldiers each taking the persona of a real person from the war. These ranged from the famous such as Harry Patch to unknown heroes such as Jenny Haythorn a Girl Guide who carried messages in the war. The piece helped to inform the audience about World War One as well as entertain them. Archie Robinson said ” I really liked the fact that a lot of the parts in it were from actual things that happened in WW1.”  And Lola Wilson said “That was so moving. I actually could have mistaken you all for professionsals. I can’t believe that the class wrote their song too.” Fantastic praise indeed.

We hope both groups enjoyed their experience and are ready to perform again at the Eskdale Festival in March.

Miss Rowland