Throughout the history and since the establishment of the USSR, this unique country was considered as the embodiment of a true communist state. Nowadays, the term “communism” generally induces association with the stereotypes that have arisen as the Cold War progressed. We tend to be unfamiliar with the conditions and lifestyle that the people of that era have experienced; some may consider it to be a product of soviet secrecy and isolation. Not much was known about the way of life or the functioning of the Soviet society and even now it is heavily overshadowed by its successors.
Knowledge of that era is passed on by nostalgic stories told by parents, grandparents and an enormous collection of Soviet films and books, which most eastern European families own to this day. The way of life and customs, that are still heavily present in post-soviet countries, that have influenced three generations, could also be of particular interest to many. The life for a regular citizen, that has led a relatively simple life, whilst striving to overcome the regular challenges, that were constantly being sent his way, definitely draws my attention. It is also quite fascinating to think, how the regime influenced the society of the country; despite the country’s population being extremely diverse, everybody’s life had revolved around the same values: work, the State, patriotism and most importantly – survival. The society basically became monotonous due to having a similar lifestyle.
People were constantly dependant on the State, every aspect of behind the Iron Curtain life was dictated by the communist party, everybody had to obey without question, in case of opposition of ‘’communist’’ fundamental values, one would be abandoned and deemed as a traitor, with harsh consequences, even food was rationed and ‘’equality in every aspect of life’’ was forced onto everybody. Influence of the Soviet period is greatly present even today; these major aspects will be presented in the upcoming article.
Aleksandr Akulov (Year 13)