So, what will you do in your Easter holiday? You may ask. For you it can be back home, sit on you favourite chair and watch Netflix until the day you have to get back to school again. But it can be much more than that.

It’s Arthur here, from Hong Kong, year 12, currently in my first year of British boarding school. My first holiday I stayed at school because of covid. It is not as boring as you may think it is to stay in your school. As there are other people from my dorm and across the school that stayed with me for the same reason. So you can still enjoy your time with your friends. Besides me, Mayne and Miss Anders prepared loads of different activities for us to enjoy and keep us busy. My favourite was the Escape Rooms in Whitby.

My first year of British boarding school
Mountain biking on our Yorkshire Coast was just one of the organised activities for Fyling Hall’s boarding bubble

For Christmas, it was a little different because I went to a host family in Scarborough to stay. It was a nervous time because I did not know my host family at all before I went there. They were organised by my agent, Studylinks. Luckily they are very nice and I like them a lot, so much so that I am going back there for this Easter holiday. Going to Scarborough, there are loads of things that I am excited for, like food that we don’t normally see back in Hong Kong. Sadly after I tried fish and chips, I realised it is not that good for me. If you are lucky enough, some of your classmates may live in the same town as your host family. Hangout with them until you can’t walk anymore or even go visit his/her family . . . in a covid safe way, of course. It can be great fun.

Looking at today, I have been here for seven months of my first year of British boarding school. Only a few months left until I can finally go home. I am truly looking forward to finally go back home and meet my family after a year. I cannot wait to share what I have done in the past year with my family. And go BBQ with them all.