Happy New Year to all of you and I hope that everyone had a relaxing break.  

We have welcomed our boarders back over the duration of the week.  Of course due to the covid situation it has been different each term.  This week all have arrived on different days throughout the week. As the travel coordinator  the first week of the term for me can be a challenging one.  Flights change, arrival times change and there can be hold ups. However, all have arrived back with us safely and the boarding houses are full again.  

This term we welcome Miss Henderson, our new Gap Student all the way from Australia.  Miss Henderson, will be helping in boarding and in other areas of the school, such as in the Junior School.  We would like to say welcome to the Fyling Family.  We have also welcomed some new boarders and they are in the process of getting into the swing of the new term.  Our new Boarders are from Hong Kong and Barcelona and they are settling in well.  I am sure we will hear how their experience is later on in the term. 

It is great being back! I am sure that this term there will will be a lot of outings and making new friends.  It is lovely to see that all is more or less back to normal and in school we like it to be as normal as possible for everyone as this gives our children routine and stability.  I am looking forward to writing my next blog and I hope that all have a fabulous start to the new year.  

Emma Anders, Head Matron