Weekly clubs are back for the summer. Here’s what we’ll be doing up to half-term starting this week, 2nd May which is WEEK 2 of our five-week half-term.

MONDAY 4:30-5:30pm

  • Drama (for years 5-8) with Mrs Jeeves
  • Maths Revision (Years 11 and 13) with Mr Walsh
  • Board Games (for all) with Mrs Banks or Mr Thomas
  • Football (for all) with Mr Coats and Mr Parker


WEDNESDAY 4:30-5:30pm

  • Technology (KS3 weeks 2 and 4. KS4/5 weeks 3 and 5) with Mr Instone
  • English Revision (for Year 11) with Mr Thomas and Mrs Milner
  • Art Club (KS4/5 weeks 2 and 4. KS3 weeks 3 and 5) with Mrs Gillings
  • History Club (For all, weeks 2 and 4) with Mrs Harrington
  • Sport and Fitness Fun (for all) with Dr Richardson

Students need to SIGN UP on Monday morning in the office. This is for two reasons – firstly for fire regulations so we know who is on-site on both Monday and Wednesday evenings in case of an emergency and secondly so that we can organise appropriate transport for the second buses. There is no extra charge for clubs or transport. Students can change their minds week to week what they’d like to do and move between activities.

We’d love to see as many as possible of our students taking advantage of what we’re offering here, to learn something new and have some fun. As always, if there’s something else that students would like to do, let us know and we can look at incorporating other ideas. We truly are delighted that weekly clubs are back for the summer!

Ayd InstoneHead of Curriculum Enrichment and Communications