Wonder what it’s like to be a virtual teacher? Ms Hornung, Fyling Hall’s Head of Modern Languages, gives her insight into days of late . . .
The launch of virtual learning at Fyling Hall a strange feeling walking into the place you’ve worked in for over 30 years knowing that the staff room is off limits and that the boarders and boarding staff cannot mix with us. Waving hello to friends through the window and blowing kisses to the boarding kids through the dining room windows. A staff meeting spread out around the Sports Hall and all isolated in our own classrooms except for those supporting our key worker pupils.
Really encouraging to get messages from pupils accessing online lessons we’ve all been setting over the weekend. Some were a little too keen to complete assignments and these were duly returned to be ‘looked at again please’. Lunch on a table each and then a cuppa in our temporary staff room… Otherwise known as the stack yard…. An afternoon helping staff sort their IT problems… All at the safe distance of 2 metres. Saying good bye at the end of the day was emotional as I know I won’t see some of those staff for some time as we work in different teams now. Thank goodness for our FHS team chat and of course, the usual messenger services. Home to find that Anya has done her English and Maths and Ailsa has had an online ballet lesson.
Life continues . . . Just in new ways.

Wise words from our virtual teacher!