Since being back at school our seniors have been working on their skills as horse-riders. After tacking up and leaving the school stables we’ve been out riding in the countryside, enjoying the fresh air of course. But this term riders have also been working on jumping natural obstacles in the woods and fields. We’ve been working on lateral sides, learning how to move the ponies/ horses away from our legs and concentrating on coordination and strength. All in all the weather, even though it’s been very wet lately, has not hindered our progress.
This term the school stables have purchased new jump poles, saddles and a bridles which have been fantastic additions to the riding experience. There are also new turn out rugs for the horses to wear to keep them warm over the winter months. A massive thank you to David Cable for his sponsored bike ride and the Friends of Fyling Hall PTA for the fundraising. These contributions have made it possible.
Break-times and All-Round Learning at the School Stables
Our farrier, Ivor, recently paid us a visit, which provided an invaluable opportunity for some year 7 and year 8 students to watch him work and ask questions. All of the students were fascinated and very confident with their questions. As Pokora, one of the school’s horses was being shod, Ivor explained to the students how many horses he shoes a week and how long he has been doing the job. The students are welcome in the yard during their breaks. Some come and visit the horses in the school stables to relax and unwind between lessons. They’re sometimes lucky enough to catch the visiting professionals and stable manager, Coleen McQue, always encourages them to ask questions and learn.

Juniors Learn Pony Care in the School Stables
This week the junior school students spent a morning learning all about stable duties and pony care. They had a fantastic time playing with the straw, learning to tie hay-nets, playing ‘around the world’ on Jimmy (the pony) bare back and finally learning all about the importance of straw banks in a stable. One group pretended to be a horse ‘cast’ ( This is what can happen if a horse rolls and ends up with their feet up against the wall). They learned how to turn them back the right way up. The boys loved playing the part, in a clean stable of course!

Visit the horse-riding page for more about the school stables and horse-riding at Fyling Hall School. Lessons are available during one of the weekly games / pe lessons so please request a horse-riding form from the office if you would like to horse ride. The form must be completed by parents and return prior to riding lessons.