This weekend a group of boarders set off to Snainton Golf Centre set on trying their hand at golf. For many it was their first experience. The morning started off with a ‘Full English’ and conversation focused on the question of how difficult golf could be, surely, it’s just like hockey!!
After, 50 balls on the practice range it was starting to dawn on some pupils that maybe this was not going to be quite so easy. Some swore that it was the wind that made them miss, or that the club wasn’t the right length, even that the ball was too small. And then it was on to the course.
For some, a job in horticulture appears to be on offer with the amount of turf they re-layed as they progressed. For others achieving the highest possible score seemed to be the aim; with a triple digit value holding the record, an impressive achievement for a nine hole par 3 course! All in all, it was great fun and I suspect trying their hand at golf will become a firm favourite.
Dr Ian Richardson, Deputy Head, Academics