Tour deThe Junior and Senior School had a fun filled and very exciting afternoon watching the Tour de Yorkshire cyclists whizz past them in a blur of colour.

The anticipation for the Junior School had been great and the children were excited to say the least! Not only were they able to get an excellent view of the race, but they also had a party before and after the race, thanks to the generosity of Mr and Mrs Harrison. Hotdogs and home-made muffins were consumed in vast quantities!

The sun shone and the children were totally caught up in the excitement, even managing to get high fives from the police motorcyclists. We even made a very significant appearance on television – with the Fyling Hall banner on prominent display. When asked if they had enjoyed themselves, Jeremy responded “It was awesome!” Bella said it was “very, very fun!” and all of the pupils are looking forward to next year’s race.

Mrs Freer

Tour de4

Tour de3

Tour de2