Some say time flies when you’re having fun. Read our English teacher’s comments on her first year at Fyling Hall School.
Hello! It’s Mrs Milner here. I’m currently in my classroom, one of the English huts, and I’m looking out my window at a view of Ravenscar and the sea. The sun has been shining up until today but it’s now raining so I can’t see anything as Ravenscar is shrouded in mist. I have a few minutes before my next class arrives so I thought I’d drop you all a line.
It’s been a year since I started teaching English at Fyling Hall and what a year it’s been! Thankfully, we are all back at school now and able to teach face-to-face classes once again. It’s been brilliant to see everyone and to find out what people have been up to over the past few months. There are also a few new faces in my lessons so welcome to those of you who are new to the school.
This year is looking as exciting as ever and I have started off with a Science Fiction unit with my new Year 7 class. My Year 8 students are doing a novel called ‘Darkside’ and my Year 9 class is studying the William Golding classic ‘Lord of the Flies’. My Year 10 and Year 11 are both working on various aspects of the English Language GCSE course and my 6th Form class is studying poems from an anthology called ‘Poems of the Decade’.
We’re all adapting to the new routines of the school day, which includes hour long lessons now instead of single and double periods. Lunchtime has also changed to incorporate deli days so we have been able to sit on the terraces in the sunshine with a picnic.
Well, I’d better sign off here; Mr Thomas, our head of English, is cracking the whip again so I’m going to get ready for my next class. We’re on chapter two of ‘Lord of the Flies’ so we’re going to find out what happens next between the boys. Bye for now . . . time really does fly when you’re having fun!