The Friends of Fyling Hall are delighted to invite you to this year’s Christmas Fayre and Carols. It will take place on Tuesday 7th December between 3:30pm and 5:30pm in the Dining Room and Stackyard.

This is an event for the whole community and is open to both Junior and Senior school pupils and parents. There will be Crafts & Christmas Gifts to buy, a Book Stall, Tombola, Santa’s Grotto, Hot Drinks & Mince Pies. We are hoping to run a book stall and we are looking for donations of any unwanted books you may have at home so they can find a new home. The details of the Fayre and the book donations are attached to this email. There will be a festive finish with Carol signing in the Stackyard starting at 5pm led by the School Choir. 

This year’s Christmas Fayre and Carols will certainly be an afternoon to remember! We hope to see as many of you there as possible and if you have any questions please feel free to contact the school office. 

Best wishes, The Friends of Fyling Hall