It is only November but already many of you and your children are already thinking of options for next year, after the completion of GCSEs.
In previous years, to enable our students to make the best possible decisions about their future, we have held A Focus on Sixth Form, an information evening in school. The session is designed to provide insight into all aspects of Sixth Form including the courses available and a flavour of life as a Sixth Former. It is also an opportunity to informally chat with staff and current pupils.
Whilst we would very much like to offer a face to face meeting, given the situation we are in, we are looking to make alternative arrangements. Our plan so far: ·
- Our Sixth Form information booklet is in the final stages of being updated and will be available shortly. In the meantime, please take a look at last year’s version.
- We are also in the process of updating our A-level course booklet and will forward this shortly.
- By video we will share greater insight into Sixth Form life. What better way to learn more than to hear from our Sixth Formers?
- On Tuesday, 1st December Dr Richardson and Ms Mitchell will speak with all Year 11 students about future options. This is an opportunity for your child to raise any queries he/she may have. So that your child is prepared, we encourage you to engage with your child prior to this time.
- On January 19th at 6pm parents are invited to an on-line session with staff and fellow parents (should a face to face meeting not be possible). Your child is also welcome if you feel it is appropriate.
Of course, staff and current Sixth Formers are always on hand for any queries. We fully appreciate that thinking of options for next year and deciding on next steps after GCSEs is not an easy one. We are confident that your child will continue to thrive in Fyling Hall’s environment and want you to know that we have a plan in place to offer you our full support.
If you would like further information at any stage, please contact us.
Steven Allen, Headmaster and Jane Mitchell, Head of Sixth Form