I have always loved the start of the Spring Term as it holds all that promise of new beginnings and longer days. Cold, bright mornings are wonderful as, before the trees come into leaf, I can see the sparkling waters of the North Sea from my classroom window and then start to look out over the gardens for the first signs that winter is over. The snowdrops and then the daffodils seem to mark the passing of this term, just as the roses and the hum of the bees mean that the summer is here. Of course, the start of this Spring Term is slightly different, but much better than last January when I taught all my lessons online from a very empty classroom.
My classes enter, keen to learn and enjoying being in school. No one wants to go back to online learning. Masks are on and windows are open and we eagerly await the return of friends from their PCR isolation, greeting new pupils with the usual FHS friendliness. Those of you who read these blogs regularly will know about my bird table. It is at is busiest now and pupils even request seats in the room so that they can see which birds visit. The seating plans have to change on a regular basis so that everyone has the chance. I am certain that new pupils are quite often very puzzled when one of their peers notes the Jean Pigeon has arrived or that the nuthatch is bullying the smaller of the finches. They are desperate for me to tame one of the robins which comes every day so that he will sit on my hand to eat his seed or the meal worm pellets which all the small birds love.
I find it truly refreshing in an age of phones and computers that my pupils are so interested in their surroundings and excited to see the many species of wild birds which live in our woodland and grounds. We are really so lucky to live and work in such an enchanting place.
Cathy Hornung, Head of MFL, Teacher of French, Y11H tutor