In the last week of the Spring Term the Year 12 girls maths students visited Newcastle University, taking part in the SUMS (Steps to University for Mathematical Students) enrichment day. When we first arrived at the university in the morning, we were given a lecture which discussed topics including university applications, different types of maths related degrees and the jobs they can lead you to, plus additional requirements for studying maths at university – such as entry papers. Additionally, there were presentations from current female maths students who talked about their personal experiences and the steps they took to get to where they are today.
Next, we were sorted into groups mixed with students from different sixth forms, and were given extended problems to work on together; this gave us the opportunity to work as a team and learn from each other. In the next session we talked to a range of current university students, asking them questions about all aspects of life at university and their personal ambitions. This was especially interesting as it gave us an insight as to what to expect from university, and the students’ personal opinions on this. Overall, we all found the day beneficial and inspiring, it was great to experience a university environment and learn from current students. Taking part in the SUMS enrichment day was certainly a valuable use of time.
Isobel, Y12