by Admin_fh | Feb 3, 2021 | FHS Blog, Old News
Fyling Hall Business students are creating professional looking CVs and more. One part of the GCSE Business curriculum is to look at human resources, how businesses recruit workers, train them and keep them motivated. To try and make this a bit more real, our Y11...
by Admin_fh | Oct 7, 2020 | FHS Blog, Old News
Computing and ICT are constantly evolving – what was once considered futuristic just a few short years ago very quickly becomes the norm and a ubiquitous part of our daily lives. When I first taught A Level IT about 12 years ago, I remember showing the pupils a video...
by Admin_fh | Apr 15, 2020 | FHS Blog, Old News
Have you heard of ethical hacking? Read how one of Fyling Hall’s well intentioned students used his desire to keep busy during Lockdown to learn more about an ever-growing sector of computer science. During the holidays one of our Y10 international students, who...
by Admin_fh | Dec 11, 2019 | FHS Blog, Old News
Many people use ICT and Computer Science interchangeably and, although there are many similarities, there are also differences between them. The website Techopedia quotes Computer Science as being “focused on creating new applications for computers. This means that...