All good things come to an end

Never was the expression “all good things come to an end” more true. It was with a bittersweet feeling for me that my year 11 class trooped into my classroom last week for the last time following their final English GCSE exam for a glass of (sadly)...

Celebrating their first year in secondary school

Mrs Milner’s Year 7 students are celebrating their first year in secondary school, having had an extremely busy first year at Fyling Hall School. In their final term at school, they have worked on a writing project in which they had to create a ‘space journal’...

Poetry recital competition is back

There is a buzz of excitement and anticipation up and down the corridors, in the classrooms, and throughout the hallowed halls at Fyling Hall; the Daisy Hardy poetry recital competition is back!  That’s right, back to her original format at last, the Daisy Hardy...

What we are all doing in English

As we move into the final term of another academic year, I thought I would give you all an update on what we are all doing in English. The Alevel students are looking at their second comparative literature text, ‘Dorian Gray’, and examining Wilde’s language and his...

The 32 second Romeo and Juliet

Time flew in Mrs Milner’s Year 9 English class recently when they all decided that Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ could do with a bit of a ‘trim’ so cut out a few lines and attempted what is known in the business as: ‘The 32 second Romeo and Juliet’. They actually...