by Admin_fh | May 31, 2023 | FHS Blog, Old News
This year, we’ve only got a small, nonetheless excellent Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award group: Anya, Haeun, Lilly and Isabelle. They are all working on their different sections – they play hockey, ride horses, dance, cook, help out at the Junior School and Whitby...
by Admin_fh | Jul 12, 2022 | FHS Blog, Old News
During the first three days of this year’s activities week, our Silver Duke of Edinburgh group went for their qualifying expedition, starting at the Hole of Horcum, going via Newton-on-Rawcliffe and Rosedale Abbey to Fryupdale. Read their account of their expedition:...
by Admin_fh | Nov 9, 2021 | FHS Blog, Old News
On Sunday, our new DofE Bronze group as well as some direct entrants for the Silver Award had their first outing. After a week that has been a bit challenging with regards to weather, we were blessed with dry weather and sunshine. In two groups, we walked about 10 km,...
by Admin_fh | Nov 3, 2021 | FHS Blog, Old News
For a detailed insight into the Bronze expedition, read Joshua’s blog. Achieving the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award during a pandemic is not the easiest thing to do. However, a good number of Fyling Hall pupils managed to achieve their Bronze or Silver Award...
by Admin_fh | Aug 1, 2021 | FHS Blog, Old News
I swiftly and excitedly left the car, eager to see all my friends who were joining the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Expedition, ready for two days of intense hiking. We all had the same objectives: to...