by Admin_fh | Nov 3, 2020 | FHS Blog, Old News
Fyling Hall’s mock exam timetable has been announced. Designed for Year 13 and Year 12 ICT, the exams will take place the week beginning the 23rd of November. In announcing the exams, Dr Richardson, Deputy Head, Academic points out . . . A slightly...
by Admin_fh | Feb 10, 2019 | FHS Blog, Old News
This year I have been given the responsibility of organising the Reading Buddy Scheme. This means that I had to collect just over 10 6th Form volunteers who are willing to meet weekly with a pupil from the younger years to listen to them read for roughly 20 minutes....
by Admin_fh | Jan 30, 2019 | FHS Blog, Old News
Year 13 worked in pairs to find out about logarithms and exponentials, very useful functions in many areas such as geography, biology, physics and chemistry. They prepared presentations, then taught each other and shared their ideas and knowledge. Well don, YiFan,...
by Admin_fh | Jan 13, 2019 | FHS Blog, Old News
Why are Academic Awards so effective? Our ‘Academic Award’ scheme has been running for two years. I believe it is a distinctive method of rewarding pupils for their academic achievements, and I am personally very proud of the scheme: we are a non-selective school and...
by Admin_fh | Nov 28, 2018 | FHS Blog, Old News
You get the famous Fyling Hall wow factor about half a mile from the school. It comes at the precise moment you drive over the brow of the hill – and there stretched out below you is the most wondrous sight, a stunning advert for the Yorkshire coast. It’s the sweep of...