Year 6 pupil Zara Billson-Hodges shares here thoughts on the day here;
Our Exciting STEM Day STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths, and today was full of it. Local schools came and we split up into groups. We started in Computer science where we did deciphering and decoding. There was a lot of decoding (and stress,) just to find out we did it all to find a nearly impossible game(the highest score won). The game was called Moon Lander. The aim was to land it but everywhere was rocky and you always run out of fuel, although I just managed to land it in the end. I was very happy with myself because I thought it was impossible and I definitely think I will play it again at home.

Next was Biology with potato stacking, rice picking, ship building and creatures crawling. There were 8 stick insects one made itself look dead while the others nearly went up our sleeves. Our team came second in the potato stacking and first in the ship building. I loved the feel of the insects crawling on my hand. They were slightly sticky but gentle and tickled a bit.
We had Engineering next. We started by designing parachutes which would hold eggs that had been drawn on by the Sixth Form (the drawings weren’t very good.) Followed by making and dropping the parachutes. Some broke but some lived! My team came second overall. It was one of the best days of my life because I love Science and Maths.
– By Zara Billson – Hodges
Fyling Hall School and the science department was delighted with the feedback from the event and aims to continue enriching pupils’ learning. In other news they are working on the Eco-Schools Initiative to become a Green Flag school and continue to use and develop an eco garden and outdoor classroom. Read more about teaching and learning here.
Press coverage in the Scarborough News is available here.