Fyling Hall is delighted to be holding the first Stay and Play of 2023 on 24th February. This is open to all children who will be going into reception, year one, or year two in September 2023 or 2024. It is the perfect way to get to know what Fyling Hall is all about and how much fun we have while we learn. Join us at our wonderful junior school in the North York Moors National Park!
During the afternoon there will stories, play, arts and crafts, forest school and hot chocolate. Parents will have the opportunity to meet with the head of the junior school, Mrs. Amanda Freer, other teachers and even some of the older students. We advise you to bring your wellies and wear something that can get dirty! You can register for the event by filling in this form. If your child is too old, don’t worry, we are always happy to arrange taster days. Please just contact us for details.
Family Atmosphere at Fyling Hall
Fyling Hall has a real family atmosphere, where children work and play in a relaxed and supportive environment. They are encouraged to be individual and adventurous learners. Being part of the whole school means we can utilise the specialist senior school teachers and facilities, and that our primary pupils enjoy a seamless transition to our secondary school. Older students interact with and support younger students. For example, every Thursday year 5 and 6 students join year 1 for reading and senior school students help junior school students with their maths. Sixth form even lead a dance workshop for them.
We enjoy weekly swimming lessons, forest school in our very own woodland, bespoke music lessons and regular school trips. Our small class sizes mean we can get to know each individual child and their unique interests, to ensure they all excel in their own ways.
If you cannot attend on the 24th February we will be holding additional drop in sessions in March and May. We hope to see you soon!
“Fyling Hall is a special place, a family, a well adjusted, progressive and expressive family where the older children really do like their little ‘brothers and sisters’ and where the teachers, like parents, hold the hopes and dreams and hearts of the children in their hands and show them that it is safe to try, to explore and to learn. Educationally, Fyling Hall lights the fire of imagination, rather than ‘filling the bucket’ of knowledge.” (Current Parent)