Under normal circumstances Fyling Hall’s Year 12s would be starting the application process for University within the next few weeks. A key part of the preparation, in previous years, has been a visit to the Newcastle/Northumbria Universities’ open day in June. Clearly things will be different this year however, Year 12 Tutors, Mr Thomas and Mrs Banks, have already encouraged their tutor groups to research courses and universities and carried out some activities to help students start their personal statement.

I have emailed all students with an activity pack to help them with their personal statement. They also have the link to virtual open days and interactive events. I have encouraged them all to register on the UCAS Hub which provides a huge range of information for students and parents.

Parents often play a key role throughout the process from checking personal statements to providing financial information. Click here for UCAS’ Power Point presentation for parents, explaining the UCAS process.  If you have trouble downloading this try F5 to get it started and the arrow keys to move backwards and forwards through the presentation.

Parents may also wish to join UCAS’ live event on Thursday, 30 April, on Facebook at 16:00. As we received further information on starting the application process for University, we will of course, share it with you.

Ms Jane Mitchell, Head of Sixth Form