With a growing Sixth Form at Fyling Hall and a new year, it is the perfect time for a Sixth Form Update. Whether your child is in the Sixth Form or aspires to be, our Sixth Formers impact many facets of Fyling Hall life. Ms Mitchell, Head of Sixth Form, kindly gives us a Sixth Form update, letting us know about the activities that have been taking place and about future plans.

A busy term started in September with the residential trip to York and culminated in the final week of term with the school dance, the ‘Write for Rights’ campaign and the carol concert. The 6th Form have taken a key role in organising all these events and the staff have been delighted with the way that all the Year 12 students, led by the prefects, have risen to the challenge of supporting our Head Girls. Many students are helping in lessons, both in the junior school and KS3, as well as taking part in the reading buddies scheme. I received some excellent feedback from staff about the value the 6th Form provide and how much the younger students enjoy having them in lessons.

The 6th Form will continue to work with and support staff throughout this term. Alongside the obvious focus on their academic studies we have been encouraging students to research the opportunities available once they move on from Fyling Hall. To start this process we visited the University Fair at Elland Road in October which provided a lot of food for thought. It is important they continue their individual research and they should all be looking at the UCAS (universities and colleges admission service) website to find out about degrees, apprenticeships and entry requirements in their fields of interest. I have invited George Reeves, ex-head boy and now President of Activities at Teeside University, to come into school on Friday 31st Jan to run a session looking at university applications and tips for selecting appropriate courses. As in previous years we will be taking Year 12 to the Newcastle/Northumbria Universities open day in June. In the past this has been a very successful and useful trip as it allows students to view a wide range of courses at two different institutions. I would encourage you to work with your children to look at courses and, where possible, to visit potential university choices. There is a great deal of information for both students, parents and carers on the UCAS website.

Undoubtedly the highlight of this term will be the Staff/6th Form meal in February. These have always been well attended, fun events that recognise the value of the positive and productive relationships between staff and students.

by Jane Mitchell, Head of Sixth Form