By Mrs. Lizzie Jeeves, Head of Drama & ESL
As we approach the end of year 13 pupils in drama are beginning to look forward to their future outside of school. What career do they want? Is university right for them? What jobs even exist in the creative and performing arts?
To give us a bit more understanding this week we have had three visitors in school to share their experience of working in the creative and performing arts industry.
Firstly Ailsa Legg, a former head girl, came to talk about her hobby turned career in sound tech for theatre and live music. It was great to hear that from volunteering at one local event, Ailsa is about to start her first national tour as a sound technician and seamstress. She was also able to share her ideas about the power of networking in getting jobs and making contacts in the industry.
Connor Asprey and Ellie Risdon then came to join us on Friday sharing their experiences in different forms of TV and film. Connor (also a former student) has recently graduated from BA Acting at University of Central Lancashire and is at the start of his career as a performer. He shared his struggles with getting into the industry but also his experience of self taping auditions and finding opportunities.
Working in post production visual effects, Ellie Risdon has had a decade of experience in the industry from serving coffee to completing work on The Crown and Sandman. Having her share her knowledge of the industry, what makes a good employee and how to make yourself indispensible in your job was enlightening. She was also able to share what life is actually like living under the pressures of that industry and how to go about setting up as a freelance artist.
We are so thankful for all our visitors giving up their time to come in to speak to our 6th form drama class, the experience has been illuminating and will help set our pupils up on the next stage of their progress into the creative and performing arts.
Sixth Form Study Choices at Fyling Hall
Fyling Hall is unique in the level of support it gives its sixth form, offering flexible programmes of study to meet the individual needs of each student. This includes adapting our timetable, and where there is demand, adding courses. This allows students to study the subjects that they want. Alongside GCSE and A-Level Drama our performing arts students can study Rock School Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) at either level 1, 2 or 3. Last year all pupils in year 10-13 achieved distinction or distinction* (the highest possible grades). The work is practical and module based so students study a range of dramatic styles, plays and theories.