Learning Support
Fyling Hall is very proud to be a non-selective school, which promotes an inclusive learning environment. Children with additional educational needs are considered for admission, including those who have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) .
All pupils are screened on entry using standardised tests in spelling, mathematics, reading comprehension, single word reading, sentence completion and writing speed. This detailed screening process informs us immediately of any potential difficulties, which are then followed up and planned for by their teachers accordingly. Pupils who require additional tuition have Support Plans, which highlight specific strategies to aid their learning.
Children with additional support needs are given access to the whole curriculum, which is differentiated to enable them to make good progress. Pupils are catered for in all subject areas and specialist teaching is also available, some of which is included in the school fees.
School-based specialist teaching is provided by the Head of Learning Support. It is delivered on a 1:1 and group basis depending on the needs of each child.
Fyling Hall follows the guidelines for graduated response set out in the DfE SEND Code of Practice 2015. Please read the SEN policy for more information.
Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) are an integral part of the Learning Support programmes. Pupils are encouraged to discover how they learn, to celebrate their strengths, value their skills and talents, manage their difficulties and behaviour, interact with others in the classroom, build their confidence and self-esteem and ultimately enjoy the learning process.