Dear Alumni,
Your photos wanted!
As part of our 100 Year Centenary we’re looking to publish a full colour A4 sized Centenary Yearbook featuring photographs of life at Fyling Hall spanning the decades. We have a few from our own archives but do you have any photos from your time at school?
See the mockup pages here. If you’d like your photos featured in the yearbook please email the highest resolution possible to If you’d rather post originals, that’s fine too (we won’t be able to return them by post – but they can be collected from school. Please address them as ‘Yearbook Photos, Fyling Hall School, Robin Hoods Bay, Whitby, YO22 4QD, UK.)

The deadline for inclusion is 31st March 2023. We’ll update you on progress and how to order shortly after. The book will be available at our Prize-giving Celebrations and Centenary Ball on 8th July 2023. We look forward to seeing you then.
Kind regards,
Ayd Instone, Yearbook Editor.