I cannot tell you how good it is to see the school filled with life again.  It has been a long time coming, but it has made all the careful preparation worthwhile.  I would like to thank you for your support in preparing for the return.

So commented our Headmaster, Mr Steven Allen, in his most recent communication to Fyling Hall parents and carers. Mr Allen then went on to communicate our two main focuses over the coming weeks.

Keeping safe

The first of these is of course, to make sure everyone remains safe.  This will involve constant reviewing and refinement of the routines we have in place but finding safety in normality is out top priority.


The second is to quickly evaluate the impact being out of school has had on each individual and formulate strategies to rectify problem areas in order to limit any adverse effects time out of school may have had on their learning.

How do we assess?

Whilst some schools have reverted to exams as a means of assessment, we prefer a more informal approach.  One of the benefits of our small class sizes is that teachers can quickly assess their students’ levels.  Working together, staff can then formulate a plan.  This approach also better suits the nearly 40 new students we have welcomed to Fyling Hall.  The return to school has been daunting for many, and the last thing we wish to do is to introduce undue stress.

Once again, we are thrilled to have school filled with life again. If you have any specific academic or pastoral concerns about your child as a result of not being at school, please contact your child(ren)’s form tutor.