Although we still have two months until the end of the school year, we can feel the revision fever in the air. After all, some exams have already taken place – that is mostly science practical assignments and speaking exams – and on Friday GCSE students will be sitting their first exam in PSHE. AS exams will start off with the economics paper on Monday. Therefore, it was not a surprise that last Monday Mr Allen delivered a truly staggering assembly where he talked about the importance of hard work. It could have scared those who haven’t done enough of it this year, but those who have been consistent with their work would have listened to Mr Allen’s words a little bit more calmly.

Yet, exam nerves are still in the air. Even the teachers are suffering from excessive amounts of work, as the last pieces of coursework are about to be sent. They also admit that they are just as worried about the potential gaps in our knowledge as we, students, are. However, one teacher did reassure me by saying: “Try your best, so when you look back you don’t have regrets, but it’s not life or death.” I suppose it is right that we put our exams into perspective; they are important, but they shouldn’t drain all of our energy and happiness.

Younger students will be taking their end of the year exams from the week commencing on 23rd May. They have much less to worry about, however at this time everyone should take exceptional care so not to be defeated by stress. The key to staying calm is taking regular breaks and enjoying our lovely English weather, which is getting better every week. And remember that at the end of the day, exams should not be an obstruction in our lives, but a gateway – to a good college or university, and simply a source of satisfaction.

Joanna Koter