by year 12 students, Tomas and Toby Richardson

Come and test your trivia knowledge and have some fun at the quiz night at Fyling Hall school on Thursday 9th of March, in aid of the British Exploring Society. The quiz, hosted by Mr. Jason Dillon, our year 3 and 4 teacher, will take place between 6:30pm and 8:30pm. It is open to all parents, staff and sixth form students and there will even be a film in the barn for younger children.

You can enter a team of four or simply come along and join a team on the night. Tickets are £5 per person and include a variety of refreshments – snacks, soft drinks and tea/coffee. There will be a first place prize for the triumphant quizmasters and a raffle. We would like to offer a massive thank you to all the wonderful people who have kindly donated prizes for both the quiz and the raffle.

If you would like to take part, we would be grateful if you could contact us by email at one of the addresses below so that we can get an idea of the numbers involved.

We look forward to seeing you there!