It has been great to see so many pupils actively engaging in sport this term, not just in games lessons but also school fixtures. There has been a real desire for pupils to take part in competitive sports, which have included hockey, rugby and cross country running.
The first of three Scarborough and district schools cross country events saw over 100 pupils from each year group compete. Whilst running is not always the most popular of activities amongst young children, the challenge of enforced lockdowns and restrictions has created and enthusiasm for pupils to get out and get active. Fyling Hall had teams in the year 7 and 8 age categories competing, and pupils from the sixth form helped to marshal the course.
There were some excellent performances, as this for many of the runners was their first real event in almost two years! The under 15 rugby team also had their first game of the season at home, for most of the team this was their first ever match, whilst the result did not go our way the enjoyment of once again playing was there to be seen.
I am truly thrilled to see pupils actively engaging in sport again!
Marcus Coates, Head of Physical Education