Primary Schools Maths Challenge 

Congratulations to Zara in year 6 who has achieved a silver award in the Primary Maths Challenge bonus round.
Over 64,000 children participated in the first round of the maths challenge, and 4,500 of the highest scoring pupils were then invited to take part in the bonus round. Only those scoring 17 or more were awarded a certificate in this round. Zara’s silver award places her in the top 2% of original entrants, an amazing achievement!
Zara largely followed the year 6 maths curriculum last year, so this year she has been working on extension tasks, problem-solving tasks and investigations like the other members of year 6. Mrs Richardson has also introduced year 7 maths and some year 8 concepts to her. Zara took the year 7 level spring term test and achieved 90%. In addition, she also has a sixth form mentor, Tomas, who works with her every Friday on problem-solving tasks and GCSE maths questions.
Fyling Hall School’s small class sizes and dedicated staff mean we are really able to extend those that would benefit from this. And of course work with those requiring extra support as well. We work with each individual and their strengths and style of learning.

The maths challenge is a great experience for our students, and this year all of year 6, and Charlie from year 5 entered. Well done to every one of them, and a special mention to Jack who only missed getting into the bonus round by one mark!

In year 6 there are several very able mathmaticians who regularly complete the extension tasks. Mrs Richardson extends them sideways with problem-solving tasks and investigations. 

More about the junior school curriculum can be found here. If you have any questions about maths at Fyling Hall School, the Maths Challenge or the junior school in general then please get in touch.

maths challenge