Our Summer Term is off to a “Fyling” start. With our virtual learning firmly in place, we remain determined to make this experience valuable for our pupils. We are also keen to minimise any impact on their education.

To kick off the term, take a look at Fyling Hall’s first virtual assembly. Designed to replicate what we do at the start of every week in school, see how we moved from the green screen to our pupils’ homes.

a "fyling" start

As you may recall, Fyling Hall focuses on six themes throughout the year. In our lockdown situation, one might find it quite appropriate that our current them is “Perseverance.” With the support of special guest star, John Hotowka, pupils explore “grounding” technique which they will further explore with their Tutors. These techniques will help them to relax and focus on solutions, not problems, in stressful times. Good support for all of us! What a “Fyling” start to our Summer Term!