During the first three days of this year’s activities week, our Silver Duke of Edinburgh group went for their qualifying expedition, starting at the Hole of Horcum, going via Newton-on-Rawcliffe and Rosedale Abbey to Fryupdale. Read their account of their expedition:
“To complete our Silver DofE we had to come up with an aim. We decided on ………
people watching! As we hiked each day we recorded details of every person we saw. We estimated roughly their age, their hair colour, male/female, and what we thought they were doing in the countryside.
Through this, we mostly met dog walkers who were out enjoying the great outdoors that we have on our doorsteps. Though we got lost a few times we carried on until the end where we were greeted by the bus who took us back to school much to our delight.
In total (our Silver Duke of Edinburgh group) walked 34 miles over 3 days and we arrived back at school with many sore feet but as an experience we loved it. For anyone thinking about doing DofE we would all totally recommend it.”