Fyling Hall’s Year 6s were our latest Young Rangers, continuing our Young Ranger collaboration with the North York Moors National Park. On what has become known as Fyling Fridays, Year 6 recently met up with the Park’s Youth Engagement Officer, Mary, and Senior Ranger, Bernie, to do some clearing work along the trod which runs through our grounds.

We cleared the laurel from the path to let more light through, and we created two animal habitats from the branches. We started off by using loppers, then we used loppers and saws and Bernie got the chainsaw out. The trees with yellow paint on them were meant to be cut down; we didn’t cut all of them down, but we did a lot. At the beginning, using the saws was difficult, but we got used to it, and in the end, Jin didn’t want to give his back! What did the other think?

“I picked up so many branches that I turned into a walking tree!” – Anya

“I enjoyed using the loppers.” – Dylan

“I liked using the saw to cut off the overhanging branches.” – Penny

“It was fun working as a team.” – Isabella“

It was fun seeing the trees fall.” – Daisy

Thank you to Mary and Bernie; we all really enjoyed being young rangers for the afternoon.

Mrs Amanda Freer, Junior School Headteacher