We have completed our first week of the Summer Term. Time for a hello to you lovely people ❤ I hope that you are all well.

Our boarders and on site staff are all happy, but we are missing you all and we cannot wait to see you all. Although we are a family unit here, don’t forget you are all also our family ? Steph flew back home on Tuesday. Saying bye is always hard for us Matrons, as we regard your children as our own, even though you know you will see them again shortly. I can’t express how much we can’t wait for the day we are all together again.
So everyone here is getting into the swing of things and are working hard with their studies in the ICT room. I heard Ms Michell talking to her Year 9 class which was lovely. It is like a school day but just smaller and a little different. We get to have a little bit of a sneaky lie in. The boarders love this! We have breakfast in the common room together. Lunch is slightly different. We have taken advantage of the weather and have been sat on the terrace enjoying sandwiches. We’re still in school, but it’s definitely a home from home experience. It’s wonderful that everyone can still interact with staff and their friends even if it is online. It’s special and we’re all still connected ❤
Kian and Manfred were busy on Monday with Mr Parker building a bike trail in the woods, it looks amazing! I had the most fabulous birthday, Jay and Maria made me a lemon and ginger cake. Mrs Richardson made an extra large chocolate cornflake treat with mini eggs on it for me. I couldn’t have asked for more! To be with such a bunch of fantastic kids and staff is an absolute privilege. Your children are fabulous, and we’re proud of each and everyone of them no matter how far away they may be at the moment. We are always thinking of them . . . especially on this first week of the Summer Term. ?
Of course, we also took part in the Clap for our Carers . . . a highlight of each week . . . another gesture to remind us just how fortunate we are!
Thank you all for being very supportive and amazing as always. It has personally made our lockdown a happy one knowing that you are all there. Although not in person yet it will be soon. Stay safe and sending you all so much love ?❤
Miss Emma Anders, Head Matron