As we approach our final two weeks of the academic year it is always a time for reflection. The pupils will all be joining their new classes for September, with a transition day on the 5th July. I have had some of my pupils for four years and it is always a real wrench seeing them move on; they’ll always be my littlies! Of course, they’re ready to move on, just as our Year 6 pupils are ready to make the leap to Year 7. It’s only over the road so I’ll still see them. 
I am so incredibly proud of each and every pupil. They have coped with everything the last eighteen months has thrown at them; online learning, class bubbles, staying at home, not seeing their friends, keyworker pupils coming in, more online lessons, new rules, hand sanitiser, hand washing, deli lunches, keeping their distance, no Sports Day, swimming gala, beach trip, water fight or teddy bears’ picnic last year. 

So it is truly fabulous that we can have a sports day, a beach trip and a teddy bears’ picnic in the last week. Even the weather forecast is looking good! 

As parents are able to come to Sports Day I thought I would take the opportunity to announce the main Speech Day prizes so parents can be part of the celebration of our pupils’ achievements. We thought it would be lovely to share some of the main prizes with the parents on Sports Day when the races have finished. The pupils will get their actual prizes and House Captain badges during Friday’s Prize Giving.

I love Sports Day and I know the children do too. It is a long standing tradition like the teddy bears’ picnic and chalking on the flagstones in the last week. The water fight is a new addition and it was hugely popular, but sadly, that will have to be put off for another year.

I am delighted to say that I’ll see you soon! Here are the dates for the activities in the last week, making our final two weeks of the academic year truly memorable!

  • Transition Day- Monday 5th July
  • Teddy Bears’ Picnic- Tuesday 6th July
  • Sports Day- Wednesday 7th July at 1.30pm
  • Beach Day- Thursday 8th July
  • Term ends- Friday 9th 

Amanda Freer, Junior School Headteacher