It’s not every school that can boast that one of their teachers wrote ‘the book’ that a class will be studying from. But this year, Fyling Hall can do just that. A new specialist revision book has been written by our very own Head of Physics, Mr Instone, and is published by Hodder Education and available globally. 

The new book, called Exam Insights for GCSE Physics has a new approach to revision of a subject. Its content was based on studying the past five years of GCSE exam results and the examiner’s comments to see which areas students across the country had been struggling with and what were the most common mistakes.

The new book tackles all those areas in a unique way: it gives exam style questions accompanied by an average student answer that makes the common mistakes. The reader then corrects the given answer and improves on it to attempt to score full marks. The book also has sections on the more difficult questions based on the required practicals and mathematics in GCSE Physics.

Mr Instone is no stranger to writing and publishing having previously run his own publishing company and has written various books on Creative Thinking, two collections of his own fiction short stories (On the Shores of Lake Onyx and The Voice in the Light as well as Fyling Hall students collection Words from the Woods and last year’s Yearbook. Mr Instone says “It was fun to show them the book they’ll be getting to help them revise and see them thinking it look like useful approach and THEN for them to notice who wrote it!”

This year’s Year 11 exam classes will be offered the new book as part of their intensive revision which begins after half term.

New textbook written by our own Head of Physics