As well as being an English teacher, I am also a Year 11 form tutor. Each Tuesday, we meet for the first period to complete activities and discuss areas such as current affairs, keeping safe on the internet and other PSHCE-based topics. Year 11 will also be looking at different revision techniques as we get nearer to the exam period, which begins in May.
Mr Instone is in charge of organising the tutor session activities and form tutors complete these activities each week as per Mr Instone’s plan. At the moment, all KS4 and KS5 form groups are working on creating a presentation as a tutor group to deliver to the rest of the tutors during a student-led assembly.
The idea behind students delivering their own assemblies is to educate, inform and entertain their peers whilst building self-confidence, developing research skills and getting used to speaking in front of an audience. My tutor group will be doing our presentation on keeping safe online. Here we are getting started!
Natasha Milner, Teacher of English and Year 11 form tutor