We love British Science Week at Fyling Hall School. The whole school gets involved. Here we take a look at STEM across the Junior School-some of the learning and activities that have been taking place for British Science Week and since the start of the year.

Adapted for Survival – Fylingdales Moor Guest Speaker

This week as part of their ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ topic, year 5 and year 6 had a fabulous morning with Tanya Eyre (from Fylingdales Moor).

They learned all about moorland animals and how kestrels and merlins are adapted for survival on the North York Moors. Jack and Annabel dressed up as kestrels and Seraphina and Sammy as merlins! Then all of the children got into role for a game involving ‘catching’ and eating chocolate mice and jelly snakes – hands on learning at its tastiest!

What did the pupils think?

“I really enjoyed learning about the variety of animals living on the moors and holding the sheep skull.” – Arthur

“I really enjoyed learning about the different types of bird on the moors and looking at the different skulls.” – Isabella

“I enjoyed dressing up as a kestrel!” – Jack

A big thank you to Tanya for coming in to talk to us; we really enjoyed it and learnt a lot! It was a great additionion to our British Science Week activities.

British science week, guest speaker, stem, junior school
STEM British Science Week Junior School, Guest Speaker
STEM British Science Week Junior School, Guest Speaker
STEM British Science Week Junior School, Guest Speaker
STEM British Science Week Junior School, Guest Speaker

Animals in Form 2

This half-term year 3 and 4 are doing Animals for their topic – and of course this includes humans. They are enjoying the in-depth look at how the human body works.

Learning About Healthy Living

Healthy living was a popular topic in form 2 before the half-term holiday. The year 3 and 4 pupils developed a deeper understanding of the digestive system as part of the topic. Learning about the different organs and processes of the body in the science lab with their hands-on DIY digestive system was a big hit!

RSPB Bird Watch

Fyling Hall joined the Bird Watch for the second year running. The pupils watched and counted birds for an hour in one of the Fyling Hall gardens. They learnt about the different species and habitats. We reported our findings back to the RSPB of course!

Early Years Maths

Did you know that the EYFS pupils have different Maths tasks each day in the tuff tray? For example counting and sorting different coloured pom-poms. We’re building up the idea that maths is something to look forward to!

Whitby Falconers Visit

Of course the immensely popular visit from the Whitby Falconers, right before the half term holiday was a real highlight for everyone. Form 1 did some learning about snakes in advance and then everyone met the owls and reptiles learning all about these fascinating creatures.

It was really interesting for year 5 and year 6 to continue on from this learning with the look at kestrals and merlins during the Fylingdales Moor Talk for British Science Week.

Guest Speakers in 2024 – STEM

Of course this weel Tanya Eyre spoke about animal adaptions but we enjoy regular visits from guests at the Junior School. Earlier this year Junior school pupils were visited by Dr Ewan Wakefield. He spoke to pupils about his work in the Antarctic on seabird ecology and climate change. We then held a live link-up with Dr Wakefield in the Antarctic. The pupils got to explore the research base and even see snow petrel chicks.

Mrs Becky Sheveling also came into school to speak to the Junior School. She was one of Formula 1s first female design engineers. Mrs Sheveling spoke about designing drivers seat and improving safety and everyone had the chance to try out an actual F1 seat!

Magical STEM

Of course there was lots of STEM learning during last half-terms School of Magic. From the popular Potions Class, to chromotography and a look at metals. If you missed our review of Magic School you can read it here.


STEM activities encourage curiosity and build knowledge, understanding, research skills. In the Junior School we have a broad and balanced curriculum that can go beyond the limitations of the National Curriculum and we offer children access to additional content that is challenging and engaging. We’re focused on ensuring each individual gets the most out of their time with us and are really looking forward to the next few months of learning!

Please get in touch if you would like to know more about STEM in the junior school.

STEM British Science Week Junior School, Guest Speaker
STEM British Science Week Junior School,
STEM British Science Week Junior School,
STEM British Science Week Junior School, Guest Speaker