As part of their science work on living things and their habitats, Forms 2 and 3 recently went out onto Fylingdales Moor to do some pond dipping. We found lots of different creatures including: palmate newts, damselfly and dragonfly nymphs, caddisfly larvae, water...
Latest News
First half of the term has been busy
As you can imagine the first half of the term has been busy and a lot has been underway. A variety of activities have taken place during the first half of the term, and I am sure there is a lot more to come in the second half! The boarders, as well...
Experiencing life at a British boarding school
Many international students dream of experiencing life at a British boarding school. This Summer Term, Fyling Hall is lucky enough to welcome a number of Spanish students who are staying for this very reason. For a short while, Spanish pupils will not only experience...
Fortunate to be surrounded by such glorious countryside
The first half of the Summer Term has been busy with the pupils enjoying trips to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway and pond dipping on the moors. We are so fortunate to be surrounded by such glorious countryside and that we are able to make the most of it. Trips are...
End of year exams
It seems like only a few months ago since we started the school year in September, but last week already saw us doing not only the A-level and GCSE exams, but also Key Stage 3's end of year exams! How time flies! That means that over the last weeks there has been a...
Researching and investigating female scientists
In the last three weeks we have been researching and investigating female scientists in our English lessons. We chose the topic 'female scientists' because we wanted to be inspired by their hard work and efforts. We gained some additional natural knowledge about...
What we are all doing in English
As we move into the final term of another academic year, I thought I would give you all an update on what we are all doing in English. The Alevel students are looking at their second comparative literature text, ‘Dorian Gray’, and examining Wilde’s language and his...
My first EP is now available
After spending around 6 months with my guitar tutor Paul Whittaker, my first EP is now available to listen on musical steaming platform such as Apple music and YouTube music. The EP is called "Long Story Short", and it is a summary of major things which happened in my...
Some fun on the water
On their most recent weekend adventure some of our pupils, boarders and dailies, went to Wykeham Lakes for some fun on the water. Well, that was the plan although Keith and Ibrahim seemed to spend more time in the water than on it. In fact whilst paddle boarding the...
When I first came to this school
I remember when I first came to this school, it was on 5th January 2022. Also this was my first time in the UK. In that moment when I looked at the environment in this school, my feeling was really excited and I can't imagine that I was really staying here in the UK....
The Environment through an A-level lens
How would you view "The Environment" through an A-level lens? Head of Art, Ms Gillings gave our three A-level Photography students the assignment and students then chose their own subject matter within that theme. As you might expect, Charlie, Joseph and Brogan all...
The opportunity to take part in athletics
As the summer term is now well underway it has given the pupils the opportunity to take part in athletics. Whilst the thought of running around a track does not always thrill the masses, the great advantage of athletics is that there is an event for everyone, whether...
If it moves, it’s Physics
One of the simplest definitions of my particular sphere of science is: 'if it moves, it's Physics'. Fitting then that our year 10 topic is the Physics of Forces and Motion. It's a topic that lends itself to practical activities as it is inherently a practical topic....
A great few days making model volcanoes
Form 2 had a great few days making model volcanoes. This design technology topic was a lovely way to end their Geography unit which has been Mountains and Volcanoes. The Junior School children worked in small groups to complete their task. They were given a number of...
Hearing the pupils’ excited shrieks
Hearing the pupils' excited shrieks as the locomotive chugged beneath us, enveloping us in great clouds of steam, was a definite highlight of the trip for me. We travelled to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway at Pickering, it is a wonderful station and the volunteers...
Faster and better than ever
After a much awaited 3 years, the Staff vs Students hockey match was back; faster and better than ever. It’s every student’s dream to be able to play against their teachers in a fast pace, competitive atmosphere and hopefully, win. From the first push back, the pace...
A familiar sight to Fyling Hallers past and present
Old St Stephen’s (aka Raw Church) will be a familiar sight to Fyling Hallers past and present, whether as a milestone on the Senior Cross run, the spot for spooky midnight walkabouts or as the setting for the annual Harvest Festival. We’ve even heard tales of students...
Creating scale models of Harry Potter’s bedroom
Y6 have been having fun in maths lessons creating scale models of Harry Potter's bedroom at Hogwarts. Using their knowledge of scale and ratio, our Junior School pupils worked in groups to choose from a list of items and scale down real-life dimensions by a scale...
Boarders enjoyed the lovely city of York
This past weekend our boarders enjoyed the lovely city of York. Our short stay Spanish visitors also joined the trip to this fabulous city. Whilst our "permanent" boarders enjoyed shopping, the Spanish spent their time visiting the Railway Museum. Going out on the...
Our first Duke of Edinburgh expedition of the year
This last weekend saw our first Duke of Edinburgh expedition of the year. On Saturday morning, seven young people set off on the minibus to explore the Esk Valley on their Bronze practice expedition. Blessed as we are with our surroundings, we didn’t have to go far....
Our first ever Bake Off competition!
We are very excited to tell you about our first ever Bake Off competition! It will be held on Monday 23rd May and judged that morning by Sarah Muir from the Arches Cookery School. The winner will receive a baking course at her fabulous school in Grinkle. The...
First impressions of Fyling Hall boarding life
What are our newest students first impressions of Fyling Hall boarding life? Mrs Jeeves, Head of English as a Second Language, asked Laure and Mathilde to share their thoughts. Both girls are French, are in Year 9 and will stay with us for one term. When I arrived at...
As we start the final term of the year
As we start the final term of the year I have found myself reflecting on my many years at Fyling Hall. It is as usual a very busy term. Year 11 and year 13 are about to 3 start their external exams (the first to run since June 2019) and KS3 and Year 10 will have...
Time Capsule! (A Yearbook is coming)
On 7th June 1971 the three presenters of the BBC children television programme Blue Peter, Valerie Singleton, John Noakes and Peter Purves, buried a 'time capsule' in front of the BBC Television Centre in London, live on television. The idea was that it would be...
A fantastic afternoon of live music with local bands
Our Rose Garden Music Festival is a fantastic afternoon of live music with local bands, in the glorious setting of Fyling Hall's Rose Garden. After two years without it, I am super excited that this Festival is going to happen again this year. For those who haven't...
Weekly clubs are back for the summer
Weekly clubs are back for the summer. Here's what we'll be doing up to half-term starting this week, 2nd May which is WEEK 2 of our five-week half-term. MONDAY 4:30-5:30pm Drama (for years 5-8) with Mrs JeevesMaths Revision (Years 11 and 13) with Mr WalshBoard Games...
A big warm welcome to our new boarders
I would like to start by saying, welcome back to all of our boarders and a big warm welcome to our new boarders that have joined us this term. This week has been a busy one and it certainly has been for our new pupils. They have all had their induction into...
English as a second language students improve in their studies
As English as a second language students improve in their studies application of language to a range of settings is increasingly important. Over the past half term, year 11 students have considered the future of technological developments and in particular the rise of...
Our programme of assemblies and Learning for Life
During the Spring Term we've taken tentative steps to return to our programme of assemblies and Learning for Life sessions after two years of hybrid events, broadcasting, videos and small groups. Aside from our outside gatherings on the Fountain Lawn and...
Electronics coming to life
In teaching the same topics come around again year after year and again in each year group at different times. In Science we call it 'spiralling' as students see the same topic again in a different year but at a more advanced level. For example, I teach electricity in...
What makes me happy or feel at home
What makes me happy or feel at home is when I can spend time with the horses at the stables. The stables are next to the chemistry and physics lab. We have very nice and beautiful horses. We have a lot of horses and a very nice teacher, Coleen. Riding Mistress,...
A team is defined as . . .
A team is defined as a number of people who do something together as a group, but what defines a team? I think most people would probably agree that teams are often defined by success. As you move up the sporting world this generally comes through fame money, fame and...
Acquiring new knowledge
Gig -economy, livestream, overshare, sofa surfer. What do all these words have in common? They were all added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2021. We may not realise it, but we are constantly acquiring new knowledge. The average person learns the equivalent...
Time to get ready for the expedition season
Spring has finally arrived in North Yorkshire, and with the physical, skills and volunteering sections well underway, it is now time to get ready for the expedition season! During our first DofE training session in 2022, our Bronze group have learnt how to cook a...
When history directly affects us in some way
History is often most interesting when it directly affects us in some way. A personal connection can often help us engage more fully with events in the past. This is evident in the two pieces included below, from two enthusiastic year 10 History Club and GCSE...
Taking part in the SUMS enrichment day
In the last week of the Spring Term the Year 12 girls maths students visited Newcastle University, taking part in the SUMS (Steps to University for Mathematical Students) enrichment day. When we first arrived at the university in the morning, we were given a lecture...
Investigating tourism in Geography
Once again, the year 9 geography groups have been investigating tourism. Two years ago, we were in lockdown at this time so I decided that a good activity would be to create an iconic landmark from a chosen city/country. As it worked so well I decided to keep doing...
One of the hardest decisions
Choosing which school to send your child to is one of the hardest decisions. Apparently not for my husband - Fyling Hall was the only school he wanted our daughter to go to. He did not like my answer - no way were we sending our daughter to a private...
Boarding life returns to “normal”
I am pleased to say that boarding life has returned to "normal". Indeed, what a Spring Term it has been! There have been an array of activities that the boarders have enjoyed throughout the duration of the term. Many have been challenging such as a...
A wonderful, fun way to end
The PTA's Chocolate Bingo was a wonderful, fun way to end a busy and productive half term in the Junior School. Thanks to very generous donations of chocolate and lots of pupils, parents and staff attending, the evening was a huge success. The prizes were so large...
The 32 second Romeo and Juliet
Time flew in Mrs Milner’s Year 9 English class recently when they all decided that Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ could do with a bit of a ‘trim’ so cut out a few lines and attempted what is known in the business as: ‘The 32 second Romeo and Juliet’. They actually...
A great day at this year’s Maths Feast
It was a truly great day at this year's Maths Feast. Taking place at Teesside University, Maths Feast is a fun educational challenge for Year 10 students which tests problem-solving and teamwork skills. Maths Feast is delivered nationally by the Advanced Maths Support...
The most interesting parts of history
Let’s be honest, some of the most interesting parts of history are those that we can most relate to: What did people eat? What did they wear? What sort of houses did they live in? What kinds of jobs did they do? Year 7 have investigated what life was like for medieval...
A small school with a big heart
Even though we are a small school we continue to have a big heart, often thinking of others who are less fortunate. With that in mind, we are running the Rotary Club Shoebox Appeal again next term. Many of you will already be aware of what this entails but for...
How much sugar can be found in drinks
Form 2 have investigated and researched how much sugar can be found in drinks and the effects of sugar on their teeth. Their research was done on a wonderful Science afternoon to accompany our topic of Animals including Humans. First the children predicted how much...
Boarders take on Treetop Challenge
In their latest weekend activity, it was time for our boarders to take on a treetop challenge. On a stunning afternoon 13 brave (well some of them) students faced Go Ape’s Treetop Challenge at Dalby Forest. After the safety courses and instructional tutelage was...
Our annual House Run is back!
Our annual whole school cross-country House Run is back! A precursor to the summer term Sports Day, the House Run is a whole school activity from the juniors to sixth form with teachers either joining the run or stationed at a checkpoint along the route. Starting at...
The much loved Technology Tournament
After a two year hiatus the much loved Technology Tournament, organised by Rotary, is back. A team from Fyling Hall has won every year since the tournament began fourteen years ago. The secret to our success? Read on... On the 17th March we sent six teams to...
This year’s Rotary Club ‘Speak Out’ competition
In our blog a couple of weeks ago we promised that we would let you know how we got on at this year's Rotary Club ‘Speak Out’ competition, so here is our update. Fresh from success at the Eskdale Festival, our fabulous teams set out for St Hilda’s Church in Whitby to...
A Masterclass by our Rotary Writers
Recently, the Rotary Club hosted a writing competition asking for poems or short stories with the title ‘Environment’ and, true to form, our Fyling Hallers stepped forward to take part. There were several age categories in which we could enter and I was absolutely...
Year 11 and Year 13 musicians perform amazingly
After weeks of preparation, our Year 11 and Year 13 musicians really did perform amazingly at the RockSchool concert events. Both events went smoothly (bar some technical drum issues!) and the audience expressed their love for the performers. Some particularly great...
Trying their hand at golf
This weekend a group of boarders set off to Snainton Golf Centre set on trying their hand at golf. For many it was their first experience. The morning started off with a 'Full English' and conversation focused on the question of how difficult golf could be, surely,...
Pi Day is a long established tradition
Pi Day is a long established tradition, taking on the US-based date system of month-day giving us the first three digits of pi: 3.14 on the 14th March. This year's event at Fyling Hall was another very successful and popular event with some very accurate...
Forest school is something I look forward to
Forest school is something I look forward to at the end of every week. Our pupils love our Friday afternoon sessions too, indeed we often hear the children making plans during the week for improving their dens or a game they'd like to play. In a world where children...
Your Vision of Whitby
What is your “Vision of Whitby”? Have you seen it captured in a photograph? Could you capture it in a photograph? Everyone has the opportunity to enter this amazing competition which will showcase your photos. This is an excellent opportunity which could result in...
Chocolate Bingo
The PTA, Friends of Fyling Hall, are delighted to announce that Chocolate Bingo is back! Date - Wednesday March 30thStart Time - Doors 5.30pm Flying Hall Dining RoomEyes down - 5.45pmAdmission - £5 per child to include all food, drink, bingo cards and a...
Experts on the ancient world
Year 6 are becoming experts on the ancient world! Having completed their study of ancient Egypt, its cult of the god-king pharaoh, its farming, trade, industry and dependence on the Nile for existence, they have turned to examine the ancient Greeks and how their...
This weekend’s quad biking event
This weekend's quad biking event was great fun for Fyling Hall students. Quad biking is one of the newer, and in my opinion, more exciting, activities added to our activities programme. It is one which is seemingly individual, but is actually, great for building...
Pupil, Teacher and Headmaster
We are saddened by the news of the passing of John Woolley - Pupil, Teacher and Headmaster at Fyling Hall School. Mr Woolley was an integral member of our Fyling Hall community, and we will fondly remember him. We all extend our deepest sympathies to his family and...
Competing in all aspects of music and drama
Eskdale Festival is two weeks of competing in all aspects of music and drama. This festival is a wonderful opportunity for children to learn new skills and step outside the comfort zone of their school. The festival kicks off with verse speaking, poetry...
A new scheme of learning
We’re looking at a new scheme of learning that focuses on studying and writing a variety of non-fiction texts from journal writing to newspapers to writing about our surroundings. Over the past few weeks, some year 7 students have been stranded on a desert island. But...
Software skills and experiences
In our Year 7 this year, they all have a very different set of software skills and experiences. There are some pupils who were at Fyling Hall Junior School and some pupils who attended different primary schools in the Whitby and Scarborough areas. Consequently, so we...
Delving into the human body
Year 7 pupils have been delving into the human body. How? By learning about the various systems that all interlink to make the body. This has included practical lessons, measuring their heart rate in response to exercise. Measuring their lung capacities with the use...
Learning how to write persuasively
This term in English Year 6 have been learning how to write persuasively, and some of the children put their newfound skills to good use by writing letters to Mr Allen in the hope of persuading him to let them wear their own clothes to school and introduce a ‘Bring...
Year 8 students put quill and ink to paper
As the crowds surrounding the king’s scaffold at Whitehall disperse in anger and bewilderment, our year 8 students put quill and ink to paper and write in the king’s defence! The year is 1649 and the month January. King Charles I has been illegally condemned to death...
The Magic of Reading
Our thanks go to all of those who submitted their book photo to our World Book Day competition. The idea was to take a photo of you reading your current of favourite book. The judges were looking for good composition and some combination of relevance or connection...
An exciting time planning and preparing
This term, we’ve had an exciting time planning and preparing for the year 11 and year 13 RockSchool Concert which is part of their course. Both nights should be fantastic events with songs being performed on a multitude of instruments. The pupils have been working and...
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Surviving and thriving in the outside world after school, after Sixth Form, isn't just about qualifications. It isn't just about getting a university place, an apprenticeship or a job. It's about who you know, how you meet them and how you get on with them: it's about...
A nice way to end our History topic
We were very lucky to go on a school trip to the National Railway Museum, in York, on Thursday 24th February as a nice way to end our History topic. School trips are a great way to reinforce learning outside the classroom. The Junior School have been learning all...
Taking on the karting challenge!
A cold, blustery day in February saw another group of pupils taking on the karting challenge! Twelve boarders were ready to race each other around the track, all hoping to be victorious. The first groups consisted of Richard, Ryan, Ethan, Marcus and Alexandre. From...
Some great activities to come
This term still has some great activities to come, from quad biking around a local circuit and tree-top climbing around one of the UKs largest agility circuits. We even have a little morning golfing session mixing both a driving range and a 9-hole golf course followed...
A Focus on Sixth Form
This week we invited parents to A Focus on Sixth Form, an event designed to discuss with our A Level teachers the details of studying with us post-16. The benefits of having their children continue their educational journey with us were well known by them. With every...
Learning about different cultures and people
In our English as a Second Language lessons, learning about different cultures and people is something we incorporate as much as possible. Last week, Year Ten spent their lessons learning about an inspirational figure form the other side of the world, Malala...
Improving their English with our Juniors
Y9 and Y10 ESL students have been improving their English with our Juniors. Working with Form One, Year 10 students interviewed a younger student about their life and their experience of school, and learnt lots of interesting things! Then the tables were turned and...
A spotlight on my two wonderful 6th Form German students
Today I would like to hold a spotlight on my two wonderful 6th Form German students: Ulyana from Russia, and Jaehyeok from South Korea. Read for yourself what they have to say about their experience of studying German at Fyling Hall: Ulyana: When I...
It’s revision as usual!
Exam boards may have released further guidance for this summer’s exams this week, but for year 11 History students, having successfully completed their historic environment question, it’s revision as usual! Students have been undertaking independent revision for prep...
Future events and getting some dates in the diary
Our Friends of Fyling Hall, nee PTA, are discussing future events and getting some dates in the diary. Having recently held their AGM, our new chair provides an update. My name is Ann Louise I wanted to introduce myself I have recently been voted as chair of the...
What one can see in our surrounding woods
Given our fortunate location in the North York Moors National Park, it is amazing what one can see in our surrounding woods. Two of our Year 10 pupils recently captured video and stills of badgers, cats and foxes in our woods and have done a write up to go with it....
An intimate evening of fine dining and entertainment
We would like to invite you to our Black-Tie event for an intimate evening of fine dining and entertainment at Fyling Hall on Friday 11th March starting at 6:30pm. The invite is open to all staff and parents as well as family and friends from outside of school who...
Is it time for another school ski trip?
Is it time for another school ski trip? This is the question posed to current Y6-12 parents. The trip would depart around the weekend of 10th December 2022, which is when school finishes for the Christmas holidays. General details and what to expect from the ski...
The single most controversial act of the First World War
The sinking of the Lusitania was perhaps the single most controversial act of the First World War, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of helpless civilians, men, women, and children, including over one hundred neutral Americans. For many in Britain it confirmed their...
How it is to be a boarder
If you were wondering how it is to be a boarder at Fyling Hall, here are some of my amazing experiences. I’m a weekly boarder from Germany. My grandmother lives near school, so it’s nice to see her at weekends. The first week was incredible, all the boarders got put...
Old rivalries resume once again
For Fyling Hall alumni the start of February can mean only one thing, the start of the Six Nations! Old rivalries resume once again as England face Scotland in one of sports oldest fixtures, dating back to the late 1800’s. The start of the winter Olympics...
A photo competition for World Book Day
We've launched a photo competition for World Book Day. All you have to do is take a photo of you reading your current or favourite book in an interesting, unusual or relevant to the book, location. There will be a prize for each Key Stage as well as a parent and a...
Myths and legends from different cultures
Y6 students have been reading myths and legends from different cultures. As part of their studying myths and legends in English, Y6 thought about the differences and similarities between the two genres, and retold the Ancient Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus. The...
A busy time in the Music department
January to March is always a busy time in the Music department and I am optimistic that this year we will finally get to do some live performances. Every year, our Year 11 and 13 RockSchool musicians, spending the first quarter of the year preparing, rehearsing and...
The Two Faces of Victorian Britain
Year 9 are undertaking their own independent assignments to describe and explain the “Two faces of Victorian Britain”. This follows their in depth look at the very considerable political social cultural and economy changes that characterised the 18th century and the...
The Year of the Tiger
There were celebrations across Fyling Hall to honour the Year of the Tiger. From our Junior School to our ESL classrooms to our boarding houses, take a look at this year's Lunar New Year festivities . . . Lunar New...
The latest cake bake sale
With the latest cake bake sale pending, it was spatulas and mixing bowls at the ready for our boarding staff and pupils as they prepared their contributions for the charity fundraiser the following day. An eclectic array of cakes and cupcakes were prepared and...
The Whitby Rotary Club’s writing competition
Children from the Junior School entered The Whitby Rotary Club’s writing competition. The theme for this year’s annual competition was titled ‘The Environment’. We were delighted that Belle was placed in second place and Matilda came in joint 3rd out of 108 entrants....
Mindful colouring has always been a very popular activity in the Junior School. Even the youngest pupils clearly benefit from a few minutes of calmness at the beginning of the day. Listening to beautiful, relaxing music adds to the experience. When I did a mindful...
Great scope to travel the world virtually
Geography offers great scope to travel the world virtually – a necessity over the last couple of years! It enables pupils to gain insights into how others live, and to investigate how different, and similar, we truly are. My GCSE and A Level groups tend to be...
An investigation into composite materials
small monomers Year 9 have concluded their topic on ‘materials’ with an investigation into composite materials. In a composite material the properties of two or more materials are combined to produce an improved material. A recent innovation has been the use of...
Working as a gap assistant
Hello! My name is Shane Henderson, and I will be working as a gap assistant at Fyling Hall in 2022. My main role during the week will be helping out in the Junior School and on the weekends I will be apart of the boarding team looking after our boarders. I have come...
Be a part of the Fyling Hall Community
First of all a big thank you to all the people who attended the Fyling Hall Christmas Dinner and the Christmas Fayre we raised a total of £764.76!! We really appreciate everyone's support of these events and hopefully we can invest the money in something brilliant...
The world of technology
The world of technology and what is possible online moves so quickly that it can be difficult to keep up. The enormity of games, social media and streaming services targeted at young people makes it very difficult to monitor how, and who, children are interacting with...
Taking advantage of the senior science lab
Year 6 have been learning about different properties of materials in science. Taking advantage of the senior science lab, we recently carried to carry out an investigation into which materials are the best insulators. The brief was to help choose the best material for...
Extremely excited for upcoming events
This term we are extremely excited for the upcoming events we have planned, and they will hopefully bring us closer to our fundraising goal of £5,000. Funds will be split between NeoAngels, Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary, and Fyling Hall School. After quite an unexpected...
Their new History topic
It is study as usual for year 7, after an enjoyable Christmas holiday, as they begin an in depth look at their new History topic: the Church in the Middle Ages. Having first considered the influences on our daily lives; thoughts and actions, in the twenty first...