Miss Anders kindly shares the latest boarding news and launches story time from Fyling Hall!

Hello lovelies, I hope you are all managing your second stint of the lockdown and that you are all keeping yourself entertained ❤

So the school day has truly kicked off here at Fyling Hall. Everyone is in a day to day routine, working hard with their school work. Sessions of HIIT training go on most days as it’s great to keep everyone active. The boys do a work out in the evenings. Justin is making some strange contraption in the sports hall with the cricket ball machine. What it is I do not have a clue. I just know duck tape has been used to make some weird little things on a table where the cricket net is.

Our meals are still fabulous and we have had such fab weather this week. Made even better being able to soak in the sun eating outside. Rosie and I are reading a book and you are all bound to love it. The voices of the characters have been a challenge for me ? but I think I’ve done a good job.

Yesterday we did a challenge, by spinning round 10 times then trying to kick a ball or hit a ball. I have to say that was very fun; some of us got overly dizzy after about 5 turns.

This evening we are going to celebrate Timothy’s birthday. I will make sure I tell you all about that in my next post. I hope that you are all alright and we miss you all. Take care, sending lots of love and hugs your way ❤??

Miss Emma Anders, Head Matron