Keeping the spirits lifted and ourselves busy is very important for me and the other borders who remained at school. The past weeks almost months have been tough and far from normal. Let me share with you some of the ways in which we are keeping the spirits lifted and ourselves busy.
A common way to pass time and keep fit at the same time was spending the evening in the sports hall playing football or basketball. As winter is ending and the weather gets better, going for walks is also a great counterbalance to all the time we spend at our desks. In half term Manfred and I went for a trip to the beach by bike to meet everyone else who went by bus. Two weeks back we were blessed with snowfall, which is very rare in the UK. The short few days the snow lasted for were used for extensive snowball fights and long walks in the white landscape.
It is equally important to keep your mind active and keep a healthy mental state. That is why Manfred and I started to pick up on old projects like our satellite image receiving antenna that we set out to build an improved version of. Mr. Instone also kindly allowed us to build a Raspberry Pi controlled car from his goodie box which we have had a lot of fun with. (See his blog) Another great way to pass time and challenge our mind has been chess. I had a lot of fun improving at the game and playing my friends online.

Although we have time to do these fun things daily, online school takes up most of our time. I personally could not stress enough how terrible online school is as I flourish in a normal lesson environment and miss being taught face to face. This is in no means the teachers fault but rather the fact that being taught online is a flawed concept in my opinion. But as the Prime Minister announced we will be back in school from the 8th March onwards. I am very much looking forward to that date as I can see my classmates in person and wear suits again, which obviously is the best thing about school. My role as head boy will also finally matter again and I will make sure I help organizing fun events and fundraisers in cooperation with head girl Phoebe and deputy head boy Archie 😊.
Kian out.