Hello you lovely lot ? I hope that you are all keeping positive and are smiling. We are still enjoying our time here at Fyling Hall, although we are missing you all. So the routine during the week is very much like the school day . . . getting up, having breakfast going to virtual lessons. The teaching staff are doing an absolutely fabulous job and I know that the children we have here are working hard and have plenty to do. Thank you all for the time and effort you are all putting in ❤

Manfred and Kian have been out for a bike ride this week. We are lucky as we have the track to go up towards the Mill and beyond into a beautiful wooded area. It’s like something out of a fairytale. The boys have also been working on their bike trail in the school woods. I had the privilege of walking round getting all of the footage for our virtual tour and to top it off the weather has been spectacular! We truly do have the most beautiful environment surrounding us. We gathered on the terrace for a 2 minute silence to commemorate VE Day on Friday.

I received a phone call from Mrs White informing me that there was a lot of rhubarb in the school garden and that I should use it. So off I went with my basket down to the Rose Garden. I couldn’t believe how much rhubarb there was! For me it was like being in a candy store as I absolutely love rhubarb. So I collected it, stewed it and made a very tasty crumble. I think I have converted Miss Gilmour ?

I tried to make jam but I left it a little too long and the result was rhubarb syrup ? it still tastes fabulous though. This weekend has been relaxing and we are still all enjoying ourselves. We are a happy content family. Make sure you are all keeping safe, keeping positive and most importantly keep smiling those beautiful smiles. Sending you lots of love and big hugs ?❤

Miss Anders, Head Matron