A picture paints a thousand words! Every day school life was captured on camera by one of 2022-23s year 13 students, Joe Salt. Joe was last year’s head boy and an A Level photography student and we are delighted to present his photographs here. Joe accompanied the film crew as they shot our new school video, a great experience as he is now moving on to study Film at Northumbria University. You can view his photographs at the video below.

Through these photos, you are invited to take a peek into the lives of pupilss and get a deeper insight into school life at Fyling Hall. The photos show some of the lessons and activities and unique opportunities that Fyling Hall students have, from beach activities to hands on science, to forest school, and they capture friends enjoying break times together. Whilst it is impossible to capture everything Fyling Hall has to offer in just one day, we hope you enjoy seeing this glimpse of school through a student’s eyes.

You will notice some of these photos even feature on our website pages. Thank you, for the hard work and fantastic images! We think these photos and the fact that they are taken by a student are a testament to the vibrant, nurturing and engaging atmosphere at Fyling Hall School.

Photography is available as an A Level at Fyling Hall. Visit the sixth form page to learn more about subject choices or get in touch if you have any questions about the Junior School, Senior School or Sixth Form.

We’re really looking forward to seeing everyone at Fyling Hall next week and getting back to school life. To all our pupils, new and returning, we hope these pictures show some of things you can look forward to. 

photography fyling hall science
Junior School Fyling Hall
horse riding school lessons
forest school fyling hall