Y9 and Y10 ESL students have been improving their English with our Juniors. Working with Form One, Year 10 students interviewed a younger student about their life and their experience of school, and learnt lots of interesting things! Then the tables were turned and the younger students asked the older ones a lot of questions about their life in the senior school. They were particularly interested in what it’s like to be a boarder and live far away from home.
After an hour of hard work, there was quick break for the students to all play football together- seven year old Isaac managed to dribble a ball past our pro footballer Leo! Alexandre had a foot race with Margot across the playground and Olivia, Ana and Jessica played a game of tig with Laura. To finish of the lesson, the Y10 students taught form one how to say goodbye in their native language. We learnt Cantonese, French, German, Spanish and even some Russian! Everyone in form one was sad to say ‘au revoir’ to their new Y10 friends.
Luckily though, the Y9 students came to the rescue next lesson. Alison (Hong Kong) and Emma (Germany) came over to read to the younger students. A variety of books were requested, but in the end Emma read them a book about spies that had them all out of their seats!
It was wonderful to see our older students interacting so beautifully with the youngest children here at Fyling Hall. Improving their English with our Juniors was a great way for the English as a Second Language pupils to develop their language skills. They had to talk, read, and interview students whose own language abilities are still developing. What’s more, seeing ‘big’ and ‘little’ students playing together on the playground, no matter what language they speak or where they come from, is another reminder of how special Fyling Hall is.
Rosie Havelock, ESL Teacher