“I can see the difference between UK and Russia,” declared Nikita, who recently joined Fyling Hall in Year 11. Building on our a long tradition of providing a quality education while becoming a second home for international students, read more about Nikita’s initial impressions.

Before coming to Fyling Hall, I have been studying in 2 different schools, one of them is Russian and another is Thai. My Russian school was like any other, students often miss lessons and teachers don’t really care about them, because there are more than 29 people in one class, teachers could not physically do that. Also, classes were only 45 minutes and there were lessons on Saturday. The Russian system of education expects you to pass exams in year 9 and then go to college or stay for 2 more years to pass other exams and go to university. Often students with this education can not find good job with good payment. 

Now I can see the difference between UK and Russia. Firstly of course, here there is no -30 degrees winter which comes every year. Moreover, all the historical buildings are saved and everything is very old and valuable. My current school is also old and some ways like Hogwarts. Everything here is different, but in better way, system of education is more perspective and lets student to choose what he wants to do in his life. 

The fist thing I had to do when I have moved in the UK was quarantine. It was normal, because it is not my first time doing this, as I had to quarantine when I returned to Russia from Thailand. During quarantine I had my own room with TV, table, bed, window and bathroom. Every day I have been given breakfast, lunch and dinner, so I had everything to stay 2 weeks. 

 The experience I already had in Fyling Hall is quite nice. I get enough support and care from my teachers, therefore I’m more confident in passing my exams. The only thing I don’t enjoy is food, because I used to eat Russian kitchen at home or Asian kitchen in Thailand.  The facilities here are more advanced and available, for example during science lessons in Russia sometimes we had 1 microscope for 29 people and in my science lessons now we usually have one each! 

 The idea of studying English first came to my older brother, so he and my parents decided for me to go in Thailand and then to UK to study English abroad from Russia.  

Now I’m planning to pass my GCSE’s and if everything is fine, stay for A-level after which, I want to study tourism as one of my main jobs. Also, I have second option which is as an engineer or mechanic of cars. It seems to me as very attractive and interesting job, because I love cars. 

Nikita Klevtsov, Y11