This year the History Department has instituted a new award: The Historian of the Month Award! This will give recognition to the budding young historians we have amongst us, and reward their particular efforts and contributions. Each month a new winner!

So, what have they had to do, to be in the running for the award? Firstly, carry on working as hard as they can, contribute in class discussions, and make their work as accurate, detailed and clearly explained as they can! Some have gone that little bit further in their quest to win a prize, by using their skills to research and write a piece on a historical subject or theme which will be published on our school website.

Congratulations go to the following winners!

  • February’s winner, Olivia Hall, (Year 8) for her very interesting article on her family history
  • March’s winner, William Kirk (Year 8) for his fascinating article on his heroic great aunt
  • April-Easter holidays
  • May’s winner, Olivia Hall (Year 8) for her insightful Lockdown diary account
  • June’s winner Toby and Tomas Richardson (Year 9) for consistent excellent work

Congratulations to our recipients of the Historian of the Month Award and to all students who have produced some very good history work this year!

Ms Victoria Harrington, Teacher or History