Fyling Hall’s mock exam timetable has been announced. Designed for Year 13 and Year 12 ICT, the exams will take place the week beginning the 23rd of November.  In announcing the exams, Dr Richardson, Deputy Head, Academic points out . . .

A slightly smaller exams series is planned in order to minimise the disruption to teaching.  One aspect of the mock week will be to identify any areas of learning that were impacted by Lockdown during the Summer term, as well as the traditional use of mock exams in preparing students for the exam environment of the Sports Hall, and the more rigorous exam conditions required during public exams.

At present the (UK) government has stated that exams will take place this summer.  However, it is prudent for us to plan for the possibility of exam grades being awarded through continual assessment.  The results of the mock exams would form part of this evidence.

If students have not already done so, please revisit Dr Richardson’s Exam Techniques advice. In simple terms, exam techniques are the ‘procedures’ and ‘tips’ that should be used in the exam room which make the most efficient use of the exam time and your knowledge. Take a look!

exam technique

If you require any further information, please contact Dr Richardson on i.richardson@fylinghall.org.