On Thursday 5th February, 19 students from years 10 and 11 took part in the National Intermediate Maths Challenge. This involved an hour of mathematically challenging questions using acquired skills and logical thinking. The results have now arrived with some great scores and good efforts from all who participated. Particular congratulations go to the following students and their achievements:
Year 10
Suyean Kim – Gold certificate, best in the year group and the school
Jack Dudley – Gold certificate
Meghan Chandler – Silver certificate
Harrison Langton – Silver certificate
Franzis Hachenberg – Bronze certificate
Year 11
Fiona Ahlers – Gold certificate and best in the year group
Ross Archer – Bronze certificate
Zoe Catlett – Bronze certificate
Suyean has also been invited to progress to the next round called the Pink Kangaroo which is an invitation only entry for the top achieving students nationwide.
Miss Walker